Thursday, September 26, 2013

The First Post!

     It’s never the message you wish to see at the end of your favorite TV show. We have grown accustomed to having all manner of inconceivable situations be able to be neatly wrapped up in either 30 minute or 1 hour increments. It could be an in depth plot point or a random unexpected interlude to the ongoing script, but we know that at the end of our viewing period, we will find some level of closure and contentment with how it was concluded. Then, there comes that fateful day, when the writers and creators of your show are either purposely torturing you, or find they are unable to portray in the time allotted a full story line as planned. They find a mid point, wrap up one or two dialog strings, and suddenly, the screen goes to black with white, simple lettering displaying the dreaded promise, “To Be Continued…” Most times, this is accompanied by some sound of discontent emanating from the viewership in the room. In worst case scenarios, whatever object lies closest to the home audience, is at great peril of being thrown- be it remote, cat or small child. “It’s not fair!” we protest. “I can’t wait!” we bemoan. But, no matter the pleading or threatening, we cannot bring about the conclusion we desire any faster.  
    Yet, we can also find hope in those words. It’s not over. Whatever point we have been left with, is not the last. Hero A may in fact be dangling from a precipice of unimaginable heights, but after 3 short months of holding on, we know he will find relief. There’s more. The questions that lie unanswered, the story line we don’t quite understand, the new things just forming- these are not done yet. We have a promise written in bold block lettering assuring us that more is on the way. We just have to trust that the writers of the story know what they are doing, that they have in mind for us something greater than we can comprehend. Their plans would not fit in a timeline that we imposed on them. They have more in mind.
     I find a few similarities between sitcoms and my life. There is me, the main character, my unruly cast of friends and family, and situations I encounter that leave me, wondering, “How did I get here? When will this end? Am I going to like the unexpected twists?” And if I ride it out, I’ll usually see a conclusion or wrap up for any given situation not too far around the corner. Then it happens. I look away for one minute and they pull the rug out from under me. When I look back, all I can see is a dreaded message: “To Be Continued…” “It’s not fair!” I protest. “I can’t wait!” I bemoan. But no matter my pleading or threatening, I cannot bring about the conclusion I desire any faster.
    But the same promise is given to me as to the viewers at home. It’s not over. There’s more. I, too, have a writer and creator for my life and His plans are not my plans. His ways are not my ways. I may want to simply drop from this cliff and have someone catch me out of the air and neatly complete this nail biting part of my journey, but I have to trust that the writer of my story knows what He is doing, that He has in mind for me something greater than I can comprehend. His plans will not fit in my timeline, because He has more in mind.

     Sometimes it can be rough. And yes, sometimes I want to throw small objects and children, but I choose to believe that in the end I will look back and say, “that was so worth it!” The lows may be lower that fathomed, but the highs will also be higher. The big decisions could come easy, or the small choices could be hard. When I know life is going to take a left, I may find it quickly jogging right, but the trick is to trust in the One who can see the credits at the end. 

I'm calling this blog "To Be Continued..." because I'm hoping we can all see some of what's coming for me!

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to throw a small child ... I wanna watch!
